Most of the time refinishing will yield a better, more economical result than restoration but there are cases when the opposite is true. The advantages of restoration is that the original surface isn’t altered, and there are no harsh chemicals used in the process. However, the original surface must be in pretty good condition to start with. If there is any major damage, it is usually cheaper to refinish because a new coating will cover any imperfections. This week a customer asked us to refinish her jacuzzi bathtub. This tub is not a good candidate for refinishing because of the shape, and the fact she wanted to retain its original color of black. Black is not a good color for refinishing because as the coating cures, particles of dust inevitably land on it and can be noticeable. Jacuzzi tubs are very difficult to refinish because of the unusual shapes and the nozzles and control knobs for the jets. To refinish a tub like this would cost in excess of $700. However, this was an excellent candidate for our proprietary restoration process. Using care, we deep cleaned the tub and removed all the hard water deposits that had built up over the years. Then we applied a wipe on sealer, and applied six coats of different grades of gloss. The end result is a beautiful fixture which the homeowner said looked like a brand new tub! In this particular case, the homeowner was selling her property. Investing a relatively small amount in this type of restoration can pay huge dividends during the sales process. Instead of being viewed as something that the prospective buyers will have to spend thousands to replace, it will be viewed as a major feature and selling point of the property.